Any extra cover you can get with no medical underwriting is absolute gold!!
For some clients the main barrier to buying additional cover is the thought of spending time going through those pesky application forms all over again. But ‘special events’ can mean a free pass to additional cover without application forms or visits to the doctor.
Here’s some examples of ‘special events’: marriage, divorce, buying property or increasing the mortgage, sending a child off to university, having a baby or taking care of a dependent relative.
A new ‘special event’ has been introduced recently by one insurer. If you have had a pay rise, you can increase the sum assured on your lump sum covers by five times the amount of the pay rise, with no medical underwriting. For example, if the pay rise is $10,000 you can increase the sum assured by $50,000. They can also of course increase the sum assured on their income protection by 10% with no medical underwriting.
Keeping your cover in touch with your lifestyle can be easier than you imagine, so call the WealthDesign office to book an insurance review – you’ll be pleased you did!
Regan Thomas