As most of you either know, or can tell from my mugshot, I have little use for shampoo; yes – I shave my head to give an aesthetically pleasing appearance for those who are looking my way!
So if you have a full head of hair, along with a gargantuan meaty beard, this blog post will probably be irrelevant to you! Good for you – some of us don’t have the luxury of choice on this one.
I go through razor blades rapidly. I don’t know about you, but I wonder what has happened, relatively speaking, to the price of quality razor blades?
Anyway, recently my interest was piqued when the Dollar Shave Club company appeared front and centre of my computer screen. I couldn’t resist trying them out, and as assured, my $11 razor kit turned up. For $11 per month, the Dollar Shave Club will send me a month’s supply of razors – and what I love is that I didn’t even need to leave my desk.
Again, another way businesses are innovating to create value to their customers – and anything that makes life easier (in a world that has upped the intensity on everything), is surely going to fill a gap in the market.
Early days yet, as I see how the service plays out of the Dollar Shave Club, but so far I’m eagerly trying out my new blades!
John Barber
WealthDesign – a life well planned (and a head well shaved)