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Fire & general

In life the unexpected happens. Acts of nature, damage, fire, theft, or just misfortune can sometimes mean you lose the things you care about most. While we can’t replace the sentimental value, insuring your valuable assets means they are at least financially replaceable.

We know there is a vast amount of detail to work through when it comes to insurance. And let’s face it, we’re all rather nervous after Christchurch’s devastating earthquakes – makes you question if your general insurance cover would meet your requirements in such an event.

As insurance professionals we do the shopping around for you; negotiating the best deal for your individual needs. With access to many different companies we can tailor insurance packages that covers what is important to you, suits your budget, and ensure your valuables are covered should the unfortunate happen.

Personal and life

If you were to ask your family what they most value, we're sure they would say ‘you.’ And we agree. So what would happen, should something happen to you?

Life insurance is not about what your life is worth, it is about determining an amount that can be used should you be diagnosed with a terminal illness, become disabled, suffer a major health crisis, or in the event of your death. We call it risk management for the ‘what ifs’ in life. How the money is used is up to you and your family. Whether it’s to cover health care, funeral costs, pay off the mortgage, or something else – it’s the reassurance that you can get on with what needs to be done without worrying how the bills are going to be paid.


Insuring your business, so that it can stay in business, is sound business. There is the general and fire insurance to cover your assets, but just as important is the people insurance.

Analysing potential risks is vital when looking at business insurance. Business continuation at times of economic uncertainty, replacing key staff, or when liabilities increase, are just some of the factors that need considering.

Getting to know your business, and the industry you work in, is just part of building our relationship with you. We provide you with strategic plans and insurance to match, helping your business weather any storm.  We have plenty of experience with successful clients in various industries, and experience is valuable.

Company comparisons

As insurance professionals we do the shopping around for you. We have access to every insurance company in the market, and on your behalf we compare these companies, ensuring we find the best policy solutions for the right price for you.

We thoroughly check their recommended policy rates and benefits, and read through the finer details, to ensure you are only offered insurance that suits your needs. Insurance comparisons often highlight the difference from what you actually need to what the insurance companies want to sell you.  This advice is always presented in a written report that is clear and simple to understand. 

WealthDesign insurance comparisons mean hassle free insurance, that saves you time, and ultimately expense.


Unexpected accidents happen and unfortunately they can happen to you and your team. So how does ACC work? How is it calculated? What schemes are available and what would work best in your situation? Does ACC cover every possible scenario? And are there ways of reducing ACC costs, without sacrificing the health and wellbeing of your staff?

At WealthDesign we have your business plan front of mind when we guide you through ACC’s workings. With a holistic approach we look at how ACC can work with your other insurance policies, and financial planning. If the unexpected did happen – there is minimal disruption to your business. We help you to just get on with business.